Lebowski Fest

Lebowski Fest is an annual festival begun in 2002 in Louisville, Kentucky celebrating Joel and Ethan Coen’s 1998 cult film The Big Lebowski, whose fans' line memorization and creative attire rival those of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The Festival's main event each year is a night of unlimited bowling with various contests including Costume, Trivia, Hardest and Farthest Travelled contests. Held over a weekend, events typically include a pre-fest party with bands the night before the bowling event as well as a "garden party" event (a day long outdoor party with bands, vendor booths, games) at the Louisville fest. Various celebrities from the film have attended some of the events, including Jeff Bridges, who attended the Los Angeles event. An account of the first ever Lebowski fest is included in Mike Walsh's non-fiction account of his endeavor to bowl in all fifty U.S. states, Bowling Across America.

An earlier, some claim first, incarnation of Lebowski Fest occurred in Bowling Green, KY in February 2000. It was organized by film theory professor Dr. Ted Hovet and involved advertisements of the Dude saying the Bowling Alley really ties the campus together (it was in danger of closing). However, there is no connection between the two festivals.

The Festival has also appeared on Ace of Cakes in the 5th series. The episode named 'The Big Cakeowski' is centered around the severed toe cake that the Charm City Cakes staff create.

The Festival is now in its tenth year and has been held in Louisville, New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Austin, Seattle, Chicago, San Francisco, and most recently Portland, London and Boston.

The organizers of Lebowski Fest: Bill Green (also graphic designer), Scott Shuffitt, Ben Peskoe, and Will Russell have also published the book, I'm a Lebowski, You're a Lebowski: Life, The Big Lebowski, and What Have You, described as "a punch-drunk tribute worthy of a bowling-loving stoner named 'the Dude.'"[1] There is also a documentary about Lebowski Fest, entitled The Achievers.[2]

The British equivalent, inspired by Lebowski Fest, is known as The Dude Abides and is held in London.[3]

See also


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